It’s almost comical how sometimes I post on social media something super random and it gets viewed by thousands of people and other times, when I post a project I worked hard for and really care about sharing, the algorithm shows it to less than 1% of my friends and followers. Ultimately the lack of visibility makes sharing not fun anymore and, even worse, less spontaneous: you find yourself posting what you think might be triggering the algorithm instead of what you really intended to share with your community. Fuck that.

This newsletter is delivered straight to your inbox, without anyone else other than yourself deciding if you care about checking its content or not. It won’t clog your inbox I promise, it will be delivered once a month or even less often.

In this newsletter I will share my new videos, projects, collaborations, screenings, maybe thoughts and its archive will replace my personal website.

Thank you for supporting my work ♥

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A little catch up!


I direct videos with a thick Italian accent